Cannabis As A Tool To Fight Addictions Globally
Cannabis is now being more commonly referred to as an ‘exit drug’ because of how it can help folks curb consumption of much more harmful substances.
Cannabis is now being more commonly referred to as an ‘exit drug’ because of how it can help folks curb consumption of much more harmful substances.
A record number of scientific studies were conducted involving the cannabis plant in 2020. The new year promises to hold even more potential for research.
The rise of the legal cannabis industry is not only generating huge sums of cash, it is also changing minds and is starting to drive research.
According to a recent study, people with a history of cannabis use were associated with a roughly 10% reduction in the risk of developing cancer.
The unbalanced laws and policies surrounding alcohol and cannabis may be due to vastly differing perceptions of the substances in mainstream society.
On Wednesday, the U.N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs removed cannabis from the Schedule IV list, which contains highly addictive drugs such as heroin.
One Navy Seal’s Mission To Grow Research-Quality Cannabis.
A team of researchers recently examined global testing data results of cannabis that was confiscated during police investigations in the past 50 years.
If you suffer from chronic back pain, then you know how painful it can be. Fortunately, a recent study indicates that cannabis topicals could help.
Researchers in Italy explored the relationship between cannabis and Burning Mouth Syndrome to see if cannabis could serve as an effective treatment.
A team of researchers recently conducted a survey to explore any potential relationship between medical cannabis use and alcohol use.
Researchers recently explored the relationship between cannabis use and OCD to see if cannabis could provide any benefit to suffering patients.
According to the data collected via an app survey, roughly 30 percent of the survey participants reported consuming cannabis to treat their migraines.
Research shows that cannabis users require more anesthesia during surgery than non-users and use higher amounts of opioids during recovery at the hospital.
Science is demonstrating that cannabis can actually be good for the human brain, or at the very least not detrimental, according to recent research.
Hypothetically, if the United States legalized cannabis at the federal level it would usher in a new era not only in the U.S., but around the world.
A recent study explored seniors, cannabis, and reported quality of life, and the results are raising a lot of eyebrows.
Can’t sleep? Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the world. To conquer sleep disorders, there is a growing interest in using cannabis.
Despite cannabis’ medical properties and widespread use, many doctors still don’t know enough about medical cannabis, as evidenced by a new study.
In the United Kingdom, government health workers are considering manufacturing their own medical cannabis oil to bring relief to suffering patients.