The world of CBD is expanding by the day. From increasing popularity to diversifying product range, the cannabinoid CBD is transforming the lives of people all around the globe.
Today, there are plenty of options for using CBD, but one has to make the right choice to enjoy its effects. Vaping and edibles are emerging as the most popular methods.
However, before trying either of these methods, there are a few key things to consider.
CBD Edibles: The Future of Cannabis?
CBD edibles are food and drinks that are infused with CBD. They allow you to enjoy the benefits of CBD with your favorite food.
There are plenty of edibles available on the market for you, like gummy bears, chocolates, cookies, coffee, and even beer.
You can get them from a local dispensary or even order from an online store. Or, if you are the experimental kind, you can make edibles at home.
You can simply add 5-6 drops of CBD oil to your favorite food dish or drink, be it a salad, pasta, or your regular cup of coffee. Mix the oil well, and your DIY CBD edible is ready.
Pros of Edibles
Prolonged effects
If you are looking for prolonged effects of CBD, edibles might come to your aid.
When you consume edibles, they pass through your digestive system and are absorbed into your bloodstream.
This causes the substance to remain in your system longer than via inhalation. Some people enjoy edibles for prolonged relief from anxiety, or as a sleeping aid.

Enough Variety
Unlike other methods of using CBD, edibles offer a lot of variety. Nearly anything you like to eat or drink can have CBD added to it.
If you can’t find it commercially, you can use CBD oil to make any edible that suits your palate, right in your own home.
Offer Discretion
It is nearly impossible to tell the difference between a normal food item or a CBD edible.
So, if you are trying to consume CBD discreetly when you’re out in public, edibles can be of great help.
Cons of Edibles
Difficult to Measure Dosage
If you are making your own edibles, it’s not that difficult to know how much CBD oil you used in a recipe.
This allows for greater control of the dose you’re taking and you know you are consistently receiving the same amount of CBD.
However, when you are buying commercially-prepared edibles, it can be tricky to measure the dosage.
Though companies are often required to list the milligram per unit dose on the package, these numbers are not always accurate.
Start with a small dose and gradually increase to a level where you feel comfortable with perceivable benefits.
Takes Longer for Effects to Kick-In
For edibles to start working, your body must first digest the food. Your digestive system will take time to break down and process the substance.
Hence, it takes longer for the cannabinoid to reach your bloodstream.
Decoding the Fuss Around Vaping
While people have been smoking for centuries, new technologies have given consumers the option to vaporize their products.
Vaping is usually done with a compact electronic device that heats up vape juice, CBD oil, or even cannabis buds to produce vapor for you to inhale.
A vaporizer consists of a heating coil, a rechargeable battery, and a tank that holds your CBD oil.
You press a single button on the vape to start heating the oil, it produces a vapor that you inhale to ingest the cannabinoids.
Pros of Vaping
No Combustion Involved
If you enjoy smoking cannabis, you may want to consider the health benefits of vaping.
Since a vaporizer only heats up the CBD oil, there is no combustion, there is no burning plant material, so you don’t come in contact with harmful carcinogens, which may make it a healthier alternative.

Quick Effect
As soon as you vape, the cannabinoids enter your lungs and reach the bloodstream, thus giving almost instant results.
Vaping can be effective for people looking for quick relief.
Regulated CBD dosage
With a vaporizer, you can easily measure and regulate your CBD intake.
For instance, CBD vape oil usually comes in a bottle of 30 ml and contains 100mg CBD. With each puff, you can inhale 1-2mg of CBD.
So, if you need 15mg of CBD daily, you can take 15-30 puffs every day.
To enjoy vaping, you can make a one-time investment and get a quality product from a reputable vaporizer shop.
If you take care of it and use it properly, a vape will last for years. You can use it for a long time by only buying CBD oil refills.
Cons of Vaping
Effects Wear Off Quickly
When you inhale the vapor, CBD enters your lungs and then goes into your bloodstreams.
You can enjoy quick results with vape, but the effects will also wear off soon.
Involves a Learning Curve
Whether you have been smoking for years or trying your hand for the first time, you will need time to get accustomed to a vape.
Each electronic device has unique functions and controls. Some people may find it a little tricky to operate initially.
Final Verdict
The method of using CBD that you pick can determine your entire experience. It is essential to choose the method that suits your needs and preferences the most.
Both vaping and edibles let you enjoy CBD, although the effects may differ. If you are looking for discretion and lasting effects, you can pick edibles.
But, if you are looking for instant relief and affordability, a vape might be better suited. Make your choice and find the perfect CBD product today.
Rebecca is a health industry consultant who frequently writes about the latest trends in the industry to create awareness about healthy living. She is now becoming a recognized name in the cannabis and health space.