jamaica online medical cannabis sales

Jamaica To Allow Online Medical Cannabis Sales

Jamaica has a very long history with the cannabis plant. Cannabis is a big part of the culture in Jamaica, is used for religious purposes throughout the country, and grows very well there.

Some of the best cannabis on the planet is cultivated in Jamaica, and the island nation is home to an emerging medical cannabis industry.

Adult-use cannabis remains illegal in Jamaica; however, a growing number of suffering patients are able to find relief through Jamaica’s medical cannabis program.

Soon, patients in Jamaica will be able to purchase cannabis in a new way that harnesses technology.

Medical Cannabis Rule Changes in Jamaica

Historically, medical cannabis patients in Jamaica had to go to brick and mortar dispensaries to purchase their medicine. That is somewhat changing via updated rules to Jamaica’s medical cannabis program.

“Licensed retail herb houses can now sell to their qualified customers from online platforms, following measures established by the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) to facilitate this.” according to a Jamaica Information Service posting.

The policy change appears to be a part of Jamaica’s ongoing effort to try to mitigate potential COVID-19 safety issues.

“The CLA is cognizant of the far-reaching effects of the pandemic and remains vigilant and proactive in taking steps to secure the industry,” said Director of Enforcement and Monitoring, Faith Graham.

It is absolutely worth noting that patients still need to go to the dispensary to pick up their purchase, however, they can do so via a curbside-pickup process.

By allowing medical cannabis to be purchased through the internet, patients can save time by picking the cannabis up later and not having to wait in line to be served.

Exports and Banking Hurdles

It’s not only medical cannabis patients in Jamaica that want access to domestically cultivated cannabis.

Patients and consumers around the world want to be able to purchase Jamaican cannabis as well, and eventually they will get their chance.

Jamaica is working through the process of figuring out how it will sell medical cannabis internationally, however, legal exports will hopefully happen sooner rather than later.

Rules for exports were expected a while ago, yet unfortunately, they keep getting delayed.

Officials in Jamaica have previously pointed to federal cannabis prohibition in the United States as causing banking issues for its medical cannabis industry.

With prohibition remaining in effect at the federal level in the United States, it’s going to be an ongoing hurdle that could continue to negatively impact Jamaica’s cannabis industry pursuits.

With that being said, at least local patients can use technology to help streamline their purchasing experience.


  • Johnny Green is the Media and Content Director for the International Cannabis Business Conference and has blogged about cannabis since January 2010.

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