Several small planted seedlings mature

Cannabis Clones And Seeds Are Already Becoming A Huge Industry In Germany

Germany made history on April 1st, 2024 when it became the largest nation to implement provisions of a national adult-use legalization measure. Starting in April, adults in Germany can legally cultivate, possess, and consume cannabis. Social cannabis clubs are set to launch in July, and regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot trials are expected to launch by the end of the year.

Personal cannabis cultivation is already proving to be very popular with adult consumers in Germany, as reflected by a recent YouGov poll which found that 7% of poll participants indicated that they had already purchased cannabis clones or seeds since legalization took effect.

Commercial sales of cannabis clones and seeds were legalized in Germany as part of the nation’s new cannabis law (CanG). In addition to the 7% of poll participants indicating that they had already purchased cannabis clones or seeds, another 11% of poll participants responded that they plan to purchase cannabis clones or seeds in the future.

When the results are filtered by age, 14% of poll participants aged 18-34 indicated that they had already purchased cannabis clones or seeds. Only 2% of German adults over 55 who participated in the YouGov poll indicated that they had already purchased cannabis clones or seeds.

The YouGov poll, which surveyed 3,375 German adults, was conducted on May 13th, 2024. When social cannabis clubs launch in Germany in July, they are expected to be a primary source of cannabis clones and seeds for aspiring German cannabis cultivators, and that will increase access to cannabis genetics.

YouGov’s poll results provide insight into how big the cannabis clones and seeds sector may currently be in Germany, and with it the larger personal cultivation sector. Germany is home to an estimated 70 million adults and if the results of the YouGov poll are indicative of the larger adult German population, that works out to a massive personal cultivation market base.

Cannabis cultivation, even on a small personal scale, requires more than just clones or seeds. Growers need grow mediums for their clones or seeds, nutrients to feed their plants, indoor lighting, environmental control equipment, and/or harvesting and drying equipment too. Many aspiring cultivators also need instructional materials such as books or other educational literature. All of those subsectors create opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators.

Personal cannabis cultivation is already big business in Germany, and the sector will presumably only get bigger as time goes along. Domestic commercial medical cannabis production is also set to experience tremendous growth in Germany, with historical medical cannabis domestic production quotas being removed as part of the new CanG law.

The rise of personal recreational cultivation and increased domestic commercial medical cannabis production is going to transform Germany’s cannabis industry going forward. In 2023 Germany imported a record 34.6 tons of medical cannabis products from other countries, and clearly, that is going to change.

This article first appeared on and is syndicated here with special permission.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


  • Johnny Green is the Media and Content Director for the International Cannabis Business Conference and has blogged about cannabis since January 2010.

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