Welcome to the latest edition of “Last week in Weed,” catching you up on the latest breaking news and industry developments in the world of cannabis.
Here’s what you may have missed over the last week:
Kentucky’s Catch-22: Medicate and Disarm
Kentucky residents eager to embrace the state’s nascent medical cannabis program received a federal warning: partake, and forfeit your right to bear arms. This ultimatum places citizens in a constitutional conundrum, forced to choose between alleviating their ailments or maintaining their means of protection. The Second Amendment meets the green revolution, and the collision is anything but mellow.
Biden Administration’s Belated Epiphany
In a geopolitical twist, the Biden administration has finally labeled an American imprisoned in Russia over medical cannabis as “wrongfully detained.” This tardy recognition underscores the absurdity of international cannabis politics, where a plant becomes a pawn in the grand chess game of diplomacy.
South Dakota’s Green Dreams Deferred
In the frostbitten plains of South Dakota, medical cannabis dispensaries are shuttering their doors. The culprit? A populace that snubbed recreational legalization, leaving the medical market gasping for economic oxygen. The dispensaries, once beacons of hope, now stand as monuments to a movement stymied by the cold winds of conservatism.
Cannabis: The People’s Choice Over Booze
Market analysts have detected a “sudden spike” in individuals opting for cannabis as an alternative to alcohol. The nation’s love affair with the bottle faces a formidable challenger, as citizens seek solace in the embrace of the green goddess, trading hangovers for high times.
CBD: The New Elixir for the Melancholy Masses
On the scientific frontier, a new review heralds CBD as a “promising candidate” for treating depression, boasting minimal side effects. As the populace grapples with the existential dread of modern existence, this cannabinoid offers a glimmer of hope for the weary soul.
Paul McKay is a writer and editor with a background spanning from sports journalism and social media growth to stand-up comedy. Paul has experience ranging from children’s book publishing to web writing for popular satirical websites. Growing up in the Atlanta area, Paul draws inspiration from Hunter S. Thompson, blending sharp humor with precision in his work.