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Now Seeking Leaders in Sustainability

There’s no argument that the cannabis industry has made some serious global strides in the past few years. 

For many people, the act of purchasing cannabis out in the open in dispensaries that resemble Apple stores is still hard to comprehend. 

While it’s an exciting time, it’s an industry that needs sustainable solutions for many of its sectors. Cultivation, packaging, and retail businesses all have room to improve their environmental stewardship.

Fortunately, the cannabis industry is still fairly young. According to research conducted by New Frontier Data, the legal cannabis market will continue to grow and is expected to reach $43 billion by 2025. 

This industry is only going to get larger, which means there’s an opportunity to make positive, sustainable changes that will impact the world. 

Seeking Sustainable Leaders

The cannabis plant is incredibly eco-friendly, so how can we reflect that with more responsible production practices? One company working for change is Tiny E Paper Company.

Tiny E Paper produces 100% pure hemp paper from hemp stalks and pre- and post-extraction waste from CBD. During a presentation at the Emerge Virtual Cannabis Conference, Founder and CEO Erica Halverson emphasized the importance of sustainable leadership.

“We have a really awesome opportunity and responsibility right now, and we cannot squander that by doing it the wrong way. We have a chance to really be a model for the world right now in what sustainability means, and what it means in practice, rather than just saying it,” said Halverson. 

We are still very much a budding industry. By carrying out sustainable practices we can help build global trust and cleaner medicine, while also helping the world.

The 2021 Sustainable Leadership Awards

Cannabis & Tech Today partnered with Regennabis for this year’s Sustainable Leadership Awards to highlight individuals and businesses making sustainable practices foundational for their work in the industry.

We’re using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as a guide to help define what it means to build a sustainable business model.

The awards are seeking applicants using sustainable practices in several sectors, from water conservation and eco-friendly packaging to social impact and the cannabis event with the smallest carbon footprint. 

Nine different categories showcase how broad the term sustainability is and how a company can make an impact in a variety of ways. 

Categories include: water conservation, energy use, innovation, packaging, stewardship, event impact, ESG, social impact, and SDGs. Learn more with this link.

Companies Changing the Game

Since starting the Sustainable Leadership Awards in 2019, we have showcased innovative, game-changing companies, taking what it means to “go green” to another level. 

During the 2019 award ceremony, which took place MJBizCon in Las Vegas, Cannabis & Tech Today CEO Charles Warner explained why the awards were created.

“We realized that sustainability is something that is incredibly important for this burgeoning industry and it’s up to us to take charge and lead the way, because if we don’t do it, it’s going to be forced upon us in regulations. It’s our sandbox to really push the envelope towards sustainability,” said Warner. 

We have had a lot of amazing winners over the years, many of whom have continued to excel since being awarded their custom engraved plaque. 

Companies like LumiGrow, Surna Packaging, Polyscience, and Solar Therapeutics – just to name a few.

If those names look familiar, it’s because not only are they doing amazing work, they’ve been featured in an issue of Cannabis & Tech Today, another prize awarded to each award winner. 

Solar Therapeutics Director of Marketing and Communications Derek Gould offered advice to operators looking to become more sustainable after the company’s win. If overwhelmed, take it step-by-step. 

“You don’t have to go all-in on sustainability right off the bat. There’re a lot of low-hanging fruit and very easily implemented, inexpensive ways, and procedures that can make your facility at least start to be a little bit more sustainable. It’s imperative we start really considering this approach to cultivating cannabis,” said Gould. 

How to Apply

If your company deserves to be recognized for mastering eco-friendly practices, giving back to your community, or being an example of conservation, we would love to learn more about you. 

Any cannabis business operating in accordance with state and local regulations in North America may apply. 

All applications must be submitted by October 10, 2021. Apply here.

Each entry is $199. One entry per category. 

Winners will be awarded a custom plaque, a profile in Cannabis & Tech Today, and a spotlight session at our Emerge Virtual Cannabis Conference & Expo. 

Being sustainable is a team effort and the pandemic only made it more evident how well this industry works together.

We can’t wait to see which inspiring companies will apply for this year’s Cannabis & Tech Today Sustainable Leadership Awards. Sign up for the Cannabis & Tech Today newsletter to stay up to date.

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