To claim that the cannabis industry is evolving is a tremendous understatement and such claims do not provide proper context to what we are actually living through right now.
The evolution that the cannabis industry is currently experiencing is something that has never occurred before in human history and is likely something that we will never see again.
It’s part industry revolution and part cultural revolution, unfolding in tandem, reshaping one of the oldest industries on the planet in the process. The way cannabis is cultivated is undergoing a particularly rapid evolution which is sure to benefit humans for years to come.
It’s quite possible that when historians look back, advances in cannabis production methods and technologies during this period will be considered some of the most significant innovations of the era from an overall societal benefit standpoint.

The practice of cultivating cannabis is far from new. The cannabis plant is believed to have first evolved roughly 28 million years ago based on the results of a pollen research project, the results of which were originally published in May 2019.
More than 4,000 years ago farmers in China started to master the art of cannabis cultivation for the purposes of making rope, clothing, and paper.
Eventually cannabis cultivation moved into greenhouses and indoor spaces, with the levels of sophistication of such gardens varying widely. A big reason for the rise of greenhouse and indoor gardens in the 20th century was survival.
After all, cannabis became prohibited during the 1900s across the globe, with reform victories not occurring until the latter half of the century. As such, hiding cannabis from law enforcement was paramount.
Due to the secretive nature of unregulated cannabis cultivation operations, valuable information was typically not shared between cultivators, and that was the status quo for many years.
Thankfully, that is no longer the case in an increasing number of jurisdictions where personal and/or commercial cultivation is permitted. Legal cultivators are now allowed to share their tips and tricks as they see fit, without the fear of prosecution.
It is truly a golden age for advances in cannabis production, and that is not limited to indoor cultivation operations. Cannabis gardens cultivated entirely under the sun are benefitting from research pertaining to regenerative cultivation methods.
Many greenhouse-based operations are generating more harvests than ever before thanks to advances in light deprivation strategies. Legal indoor gardens are becoming more advanced than ever before thanks to such things as vertical farming and the incorporation of increasingly-energy efficient technologies.
So much is going on in the cultivation sector of the emerging international cannabis industry that it can be hard to keep up with it all.
That is compounded by the amount of misinformation being spread around the internet when it comes to proper cultivation techniques and advancing technologies. Separating fact from hype is becoming increasingly difficult.
The best way to learn more about the cutting-edge of cannabis production technology is to hear directly from true experts that are helping lead the revolution, which is exactly what is set to occur at the upcoming International Cannabis Business Conference in Barcelona on March 9.
The conference will serve as Spain’s largest cannabis B2B event and will feature a panel dedicated to emerging cultivation technologies.
The panel will be moderated by Timo Bongartz, General Manager of Fluence. Mr. Bongartz will be joined by Neal Lund, Global Technical Advisor at RIOCOCO, and Jeremy Youness, Commercial Sales & Horticulture Support at Fohse.
If you are serious about cannabis cultivation and want to learn from true international cannabis production technology experts, make sure to be in Barcelona in March.
Johnny Green is the Media and Content Director for the International Cannabis Business Conference and has blogged about cannabis since January 2010.