growing cannabis mistakes hemp

Common Cannabis Growing Problems and How to Fix Them

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Cannabis is like any other plant.

It needs nurturing, proper care, and love.

However, unlike most other plants, it can give you the love back in the form of great quality buds.

In the meantime, you will probably face many challenges, and you won’t always know how to fix them right away.

There are many guides that can help you understand the basics. For instance, you can learn how to grow with GreenBudGuru.

While it will help you a lot, you will still need some additional knowledge and experience if you want your plants to be at their best.

Here, you will find some information about the most common cannabis-growing problems and some tips on how you may fix them.

Problem: pH Issues and Nutrient Burn

The pH level of the growing mediums is very important for your cannabis plants.

If the pH level is too low, it may take too long for the plants to absorb the nutrients, and they won’t grow well.

If it is too high, your plants may experience nutrient burn.

In this case, your plants will get stressed, and the leaves will turn yellow or get crispy and fall off eventually.

In severe cases, recovery may be impossible, so try to avoid nutrient burn at all costs and if it happens, deal with it immediately.

The pH level also affects root development and the overall health of the plant – if something is wrong with it, you may not get the perfect buds you’re expecting.

Solution: Don’t wait until something goes wrong to look for a solution – check the pH level every day.

If it is too low, consider adding some lime. If it is too high, sulfur may help.

If your plants experience nutrient burn, remove any dead leaves and give the plants more room for better air circulation.

Water them with clean water to make sure the nutrients don’t cause more damage.

Use a fertilizer appropriate for your plants and make sure it’s not too concentrated.

Add some more air to the room – this will prevent overheating, which can contribute to the nutrient burn.

Problem: Pests and Bugs

It is very likely that several bugs will try to eat your cannabis plants at some point.

Some of them are small and hard to see; others are easy to spot and eliminate.

However, all of them can do a lot of damage if they stay in your garden for too long.

Solution: Make sure that your garden is well lit – bugs like dark places, so that should keep them away.

Use pesticides carefully and in moderation – some of them can be toxic both for your plants and for you.

You can also look up some tips on treating bugs naturally.

Problem: It’s Too Hot

If the temperature in your growing area is too high, it will be hard for your plants to develop properly.

Because of that, they can grow tall and thin and not get enough light or nutrients.

Solution: Check the temperature in your growing area regularly.

Use a thermometer to help you keep track of the temperature – make sure it doesn’t go above 85ºF.

If it does, move the plants to a cooler place or use fans to lower the temperature in the room.

Problem: The Leaves are Drooping

Drooping leaves can be caused by too much water or a lack of nutrients.

There are also some pests that can contribute to this problem, like spider mites and aphids.

Solution: Check the humidity level and make sure there is enough air in the growing area.

Add more fresh air and change the water if it has been there for more than two weeks.

Make sure to check your plants for bugs and keep the room well-lit.

Problem: The Leaves are Curling Downward

The leaves on your cannabis plants may start curling downward if they don’t get enough water, especially while they are flowering.

This happens when there is a lack of calcium in the growing mediums.

It may also be combined with an excess of potassium and phosphorus, which prevents the plant from absorbing enough water through its roots.

Solution: Check the water and pH levels regularly to make sure that everything is right.

You may also consider adding some cal-mag fertilizer or liquid calcium to your water and soil at least once a week until this issue goes away.


Cannabis growing is not an easy task – if you want to have great-quality buds in the end, you need to put effort into the process.

But even if you do, problems will still appear: pH issues, pests, high humidity and heat, lack or excess of nutrients, and many more.

But don’t worry: everyone deals with that, and you can, too.

You just need to learn how.

To avoid the most common pot-growing problems, try to stay in control: check the pH and water levels regularly, water your plants, avoid overheating, don’t let the bugs in, and deal with any problems at an early stage.

Remember: give love to your cannabis plants, and they will give back.

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